Devils Claw Root

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SKU: H2054-FE
Properties: Female Healing, Detoxification, Home Cleanser, Attraction Spells, Negativity Ward, Repels the Unwanted
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Devil's Claw emerges as a resilient and unique perennial desert plant with a rich history rooted in the traditions of the San people residing in the Kalahari Desert. This warrior plant, which thrives in degraded and abused landscapes due to overgrazing, plays a vital role in protecting fragile lands through its ingenious adaptation and fearsome seeds. The plant's seeds, equipped with tenacious hooks, attach to the hoofs or mouths of grazing animals, immobilizing them and effectively deterring further grazing. The deep taproot and tuberous secondary root, particularly the swollen and fleshy part, are collected by the San people for medicinal purposes. Unfortunately, the plant faces endangerment due to untrained harvesters killing it during collection. Recognizing the fragility of desert environments, efforts are now underway to promote sustainable harvesting practices. In Western herbalism, Devil's Claw finds application in treating chronic conditions such as arthritic joints, rheumatoid aches, pains, and lower back pain. While not a magic bullet, its anti-inflammatory properties (iridoid glycosides) provide relief over time, with injections to affected areas being considered more effective than tea. Traditional healers, however, recognize a broader spectrum of uses, including anorexia, indigestion, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, gout, fevers, skin cancer, infectious diseases, allergies, osteoarthritis, fibrositis, and rheumatism. Externally, it is employed in washing wounds and as an analgesic after childbirth. It is very effective with menstrual cramps, expelling the placenta after birth and uterine contraction after birth. Beyond its medicinal properties, Devil's Claw holds significance in magical and spiritual practices. When burned as incense, the dried, sliced root serves as a potent tool for exorcism and purification, removing negative energy and creating sacred spaces. As an amulet, Devil's Claw roots offer strong protection, deterring unauthorized visitors when placed by doorways. Its association with grapple plant and wood spider reflects its protective nature, making it an excellent space and home cleanser, particularly during transitions like moving into a new home or hosting many people. Magically, Devil's Claw can attract or repel based on intention. As a summoning charm, it amplifies desires or that which is sought after. Placed near doorways, it acts as an amulet to prevent unwanted intruders. The seed pods are valued as protective charms, associated with dispelling unwanted company and confusing enemies.


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