Yellow Dock

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SKU: H2195-MO
Masculine-Jupiter-Air Powers: Luck/ Money/ Fertility/ Healing
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Yellow dock has been used medicinally as a blood and liver cleanser, to treat skin eruptions, a laxative and parasite or heavy metal cleanser. It is used to draw and attract money, get and keep love as well as increase traffic and loyalty of business customers. To increase business boil this root and make a tea and then use this to wash your door and door knobs, to strenghthen its effect use the wash when cleansing the space. People have used Yellow Dock to make an Indian Doll, which is a charm you stuff with the root then carry it around for a month. Remove the root and use it in your bath or drink it in tea and feel your love being pulled to you. To make a Business Incense use Yellow dock, Benzoin Resin, Bayberry, Alfalfa, Thyme, Irish Moss, Basil and White Copal to burn in the space. To create a Cleansing Tea use Yellow Dock, Parsley, Dandelion and Ginseng to use in your bath or drink.


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